Where do I get such great friends....................
My truly despert friend is now TEAM CHAD. Talk about high school drama brought on by a poor excuse of a friend. If God meant for us to never be alone and we have people in our lives that come in the form of girlfriends. Why do these two face friends care so much about Chad.
So he's all your ladies
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Today is Thanksgiving and so it is appropriate to write about something that I am thankful for. So, here I go.
On monday nite I found in Luke 9:18-20. He asked them, "Who do you say that I am"? Peter answered by saying, "The Christ (Messiah) of God". Peter knew this to be true about Jesus because of the many experiences he had with Jesus.
In the same way, my experiences with Christ recently have backed up entirely who I say Christ is. This fall has been a very challenging one for me on a lot of levels and it has caused me to draw closer to Him because of it. So, with that being said, who do I say that Christ is and what am I thankful for is very similar.
I say and I know for sure that Christ is
Scripture backs up all these characteristics of Christ. But, there is a difference between knowing the Truth and really experiencing the Truth. I have experienced the TRUTH of Christ after falling to my knees in the stuggles I have been through in the past 10 months.
Because Christ is all these things and so much more, I am extremely thankful today.
Today is Thanksgiving and so it is appropriate to write about something that I am thankful for. So, here I go.
On monday nite I found in Luke 9:18-20. He asked them, "Who do you say that I am"? Peter answered by saying, "The Christ (Messiah) of God". Peter knew this to be true about Jesus because of the many experiences he had with Jesus.
In the same way, my experiences with Christ recently have backed up entirely who I say Christ is. This fall has been a very challenging one for me on a lot of levels and it has caused me to draw closer to Him because of it. So, with that being said, who do I say that Christ is and what am I thankful for is very similar.
I say and I know for sure that Christ is
Scripture backs up all these characteristics of Christ. But, there is a difference between knowing the Truth and really experiencing the Truth. I have experienced the TRUTH of Christ after falling to my knees in the stuggles I have been through in the past 10 months.
Because Christ is all these things and so much more, I am extremely thankful today.
God talks to me
Proverbs 4:23 (New International Version)
23 Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is the wellspring of life.
God knows his plans for me. Did I know to guard my heart.....NO. But I do know through the sadness and hurt of getting divorced I was not meant to break. Even with all the walls falling down around me and my two young kids I swear with all I have that there is good in all this. I still stand to battle it out with Chad Clifton. He insist that I am an unfit mother and is now fighting to take the kids from me. But with one court date behind us he has been granted every other weekend. And he's been made to find a job. I not holding my breathe.
23 Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is the wellspring of life.
God knows his plans for me. Did I know to guard my heart.....NO. But I do know through the sadness and hurt of getting divorced I was not meant to break. Even with all the walls falling down around me and my two young kids I swear with all I have that there is good in all this. I still stand to battle it out with Chad Clifton. He insist that I am an unfit mother and is now fighting to take the kids from me. But with one court date behind us he has been granted every other weekend. And he's been made to find a job. I not holding my breathe.
My Disclaimer
Everything you say and write may be used against you in a court of law. Like in the case of Clifton VS Clifton. Everything you read here is my personal opinion and is censored by my own personal morals. I hope you are somehow given strength through my stories and hold on to hope of a life filled with the power to accomplish the unsustainable. Join me as I journal my life.
Ps Dont be scared
Everything you say and write may be used against you in a court of law. Like in the case of Clifton VS Clifton. Everything you read here is my personal opinion and is censored by my own personal morals. I hope you are somehow given strength through my stories and hold on to hope of a life filled with the power to accomplish the unsustainable. Join me as I journal my life.
Ps Dont be scared
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Today's Yahoo News. I read this today and wondered if some writer behind a desk tring to collect a paycheck has really figured out why people cheat. Let's just read it
So, are cheaters born cheaters, or do certain situations cause people to cheat? Probably a little bit of both. Here are some situations that make people cheat:
1. Bored I'd say this is the most common reason that people cheat.It's tough to keep that edge throughout a relationship. Things start off grand and then level off and then you both realize that it's still real life. When you meet someone else, that inaugural excitement of a new relationship kicks back in.
2. Dependence At first glance, cheating seems like independent behavior. It could be interpreted as doing what you want, when you want. But I would argue that cheating is a dependent behavior. A cheater is dependent because they are not strong enough to break up with their significant other in order to get with the new person.
3. Confusion Sometimes life or a particular situation can get to you. When the perfect storm of confusion is going on in your head, you make mistakes.
4. Because They Let You If any girl ever cheated on me, I'd break up with her immediately. Forgiving a cheater is putting up with it, and starts a vicious cycle. That person who cheated may lose respect for you and might continue to cheat-because they know they can get away with it, because you'll continue to take them back.
5. Nurturing If someone is mistreating you, then your first instinct is to get away from him or her. But sometimes it's not that simple-maybe you are raising kids together. If you feel trapped in a bad relationship, it's only natural that you will run to the open arms of a person who treats you well.
6. Revenge This is quite simple- an eye for an eye. Cheat on them if they cheat on you. If they continuously hurt you or abuse you in some way, you do it to get them back.
7. Confirmation tractiveness Sometimes when you're in a long relationship, or if your significant other is taking you for granted, you begin to wonder if you're still attractive. Perhaps, because you were out on the dating circuit, you felt more attractive when you were single. If you have an affair, you've proven that a new person can be attracted to you.
8. The ThrillSome people just enjoy the thrill of cheating: running around secretly, risking getting caught, andcreating thrilling moments with a forbidden romance.
9. They Don't Consider It Cheating, Even Though You MightRelationships have that grey area, usually right before you become exclusive. He thinks date #4 is when you're "together," and you think date #2 is when you're "together." If you haven't talked about exclusivity, someone may think they are well within their rights to see other people, even though the other person in the relationship may not.I don't understand why people don't break up as soon as they have an urge to cheat. Is it natural to have temptation, or is temptation a sign that the relationship is losing its fire? What reasons would you add to this list, and do you disagree with any? If you've ever cheated, why did you do it? Could you forgive a cheater? If you are single, but seeing a person who is in a committed relationship, does that make you a cheater?
So, are cheaters born cheaters, or do certain situations cause people to cheat? Probably a little bit of both. Here are some situations that make people cheat:
1. Bored I'd say this is the most common reason that people cheat.It's tough to keep that edge throughout a relationship. Things start off grand and then level off and then you both realize that it's still real life. When you meet someone else, that inaugural excitement of a new relationship kicks back in.
2. Dependence At first glance, cheating seems like independent behavior. It could be interpreted as doing what you want, when you want. But I would argue that cheating is a dependent behavior. A cheater is dependent because they are not strong enough to break up with their significant other in order to get with the new person.
3. Confusion Sometimes life or a particular situation can get to you. When the perfect storm of confusion is going on in your head, you make mistakes.
4. Because They Let You If any girl ever cheated on me, I'd break up with her immediately. Forgiving a cheater is putting up with it, and starts a vicious cycle. That person who cheated may lose respect for you and might continue to cheat-because they know they can get away with it, because you'll continue to take them back.
5. Nurturing If someone is mistreating you, then your first instinct is to get away from him or her. But sometimes it's not that simple-maybe you are raising kids together. If you feel trapped in a bad relationship, it's only natural that you will run to the open arms of a person who treats you well.
6. Revenge This is quite simple- an eye for an eye. Cheat on them if they cheat on you. If they continuously hurt you or abuse you in some way, you do it to get them back.
7. Confirmation tractiveness Sometimes when you're in a long relationship, or if your significant other is taking you for granted, you begin to wonder if you're still attractive. Perhaps, because you were out on the dating circuit, you felt more attractive when you were single. If you have an affair, you've proven that a new person can be attracted to you.
8. The ThrillSome people just enjoy the thrill of cheating: running around secretly, risking getting caught, andcreating thrilling moments with a forbidden romance.
9. They Don't Consider It Cheating, Even Though You MightRelationships have that grey area, usually right before you become exclusive. He thinks date #4 is when you're "together," and you think date #2 is when you're "together." If you haven't talked about exclusivity, someone may think they are well within their rights to see other people, even though the other person in the relationship may not.I don't understand why people don't break up as soon as they have an urge to cheat. Is it natural to have temptation, or is temptation a sign that the relationship is losing its fire? What reasons would you add to this list, and do you disagree with any? If you've ever cheated, why did you do it? Could you forgive a cheater? If you are single, but seeing a person who is in a committed relationship, does that make you a cheater?
Friday, March 20, 2009
9With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. 10Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. 11Can both fresh water and salt[a] water flow from the same spring? 12My brothers, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.
9With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. 10Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. 11Can both fresh water and salt[a] water flow from the same spring? 12My brothers, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.
my daily verse
Ruth 3:1 (New International Version)
Ruth and Boaz at the Threshing Floor 1 One day Naomi her mother-in-law said to her, "My daughter, should I not try to find a home for you, where you will be well provided for?
Ruth and Boaz at the Threshing Floor 1 One day Naomi her mother-in-law said to her, "My daughter, should I not try to find a home for you, where you will be well provided for?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
An Email From The Heart
I believe that you are sorry when you are alone and so far away from home and all that is familiar. I am sure that you do miss the encouragement and what was apparantly an unending trend of forgiveness and self-denial on my part. The only encouragement I have to offer you now is that there is hope in the Lord to restore your life. Don't misunderstand me...I do not mean your life as my husband. I mean your life...and who God intended for you to be.
He will change the parts of you that submitted to the things that you are now sorry for if you will let Him take control of your life.
I can honestly tell you that I am of course saddened by the obvious losses in the wake of divorce and what that will mean to our children...the way it will change their lives. BUT- I also know because His Word says that I am not alone and I have felt His presence like never before since the truth was revealed to me that there are incredible things in store for me personally. And, Chad, I have peace. And you kow what? The Lord has called me to peace. Did you know that when I got saved I became the daughter of a King? My King, my Lord, my Savior does not want me to hurt and He wants the best for his daughter....more perfectly than any parent on Earth can comprehend. So that keeps me going. He is tending to my wounds and is making me stronger and building my character. I am liking myself more and more each day and I owe it all to Him. I guess, in a way- maybe I owe it to you...maybe I would not have leaned on Him and trusted Him the way I have had I not been so betrayed and left burdened by that betrayal. Please don't misunderstand me. I am not trying to beat you up...just sharing with you the testimony that God is developing in my life and I am actually excited to see how it unfolds. I know that His best is the best for me. That is exciting! And...in the long run...I will be better for these two little hearts that are looking to me to guide them and show them how to live and where to draw their strength from. If I don't teach them anything else...it is my heart's desire to impress upon them that Jesus is the well they should draw their strength from. I will lift you up in prayer as often as His Spirit prompts me and I sincerely want His best for you. The world and what it has to offer ultimately leads to destruction, Chad. The destruction path you have been on for years could rob you of your hope of a future full of blessings and Grace. And when one person tries to survive that in their own strength and continues to subject themselves to the strongholds that bind them (like alcoholism, drugs, sexual immorality, deceitfulness, greed...any of those kinds of things that become a lifestyle), they isolate themselves from God; that is a lonely and terrible place to be. I urge you to take your pain and sorrow to the Cross and lean on Him and you will begin your journey to healing. He will restore you and one day....you will wake up thankful that this happened. You will be a better you with character that you will want Bodhi to develop and will want Reagan to look for in a husband.
Please get in the Word and let Him help you to rebuild your life. He is great at what he does!
I am working through these changes and this transition emotionally and in my Spirit. I hope you will do the same. We are in the past, but we can both get better for our children and look to a better destiny led by the matchless Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ...the Most High God...The Rock!
The love of Christ,
I believe that you are sorry when you are alone and so far away from home and all that is familiar. I am sure that you do miss the encouragement and what was apparantly an unending trend of forgiveness and self-denial on my part. The only encouragement I have to offer you now is that there is hope in the Lord to restore your life. Don't misunderstand me...I do not mean your life as my husband. I mean your life...and who God intended for you to be.
He will change the parts of you that submitted to the things that you are now sorry for if you will let Him take control of your life.
I can honestly tell you that I am of course saddened by the obvious losses in the wake of divorce and what that will mean to our children...the way it will change their lives. BUT- I also know because His Word says that I am not alone and I have felt His presence like never before since the truth was revealed to me that there are incredible things in store for me personally. And, Chad, I have peace. And you kow what? The Lord has called me to peace. Did you know that when I got saved I became the daughter of a King? My King, my Lord, my Savior does not want me to hurt and He wants the best for his daughter....more perfectly than any parent on Earth can comprehend. So that keeps me going. He is tending to my wounds and is making me stronger and building my character. I am liking myself more and more each day and I owe it all to Him. I guess, in a way- maybe I owe it to you...maybe I would not have leaned on Him and trusted Him the way I have had I not been so betrayed and left burdened by that betrayal. Please don't misunderstand me. I am not trying to beat you up...just sharing with you the testimony that God is developing in my life and I am actually excited to see how it unfolds. I know that His best is the best for me. That is exciting! And...in the long run...I will be better for these two little hearts that are looking to me to guide them and show them how to live and where to draw their strength from. If I don't teach them anything else...it is my heart's desire to impress upon them that Jesus is the well they should draw their strength from. I will lift you up in prayer as often as His Spirit prompts me and I sincerely want His best for you. The world and what it has to offer ultimately leads to destruction, Chad. The destruction path you have been on for years could rob you of your hope of a future full of blessings and Grace. And when one person tries to survive that in their own strength and continues to subject themselves to the strongholds that bind them (like alcoholism, drugs, sexual immorality, deceitfulness, greed...any of those kinds of things that become a lifestyle), they isolate themselves from God; that is a lonely and terrible place to be. I urge you to take your pain and sorrow to the Cross and lean on Him and you will begin your journey to healing. He will restore you and one day....you will wake up thankful that this happened. You will be a better you with character that you will want Bodhi to develop and will want Reagan to look for in a husband.
Please get in the Word and let Him help you to rebuild your life. He is great at what he does!
I am working through these changes and this transition emotionally and in my Spirit. I hope you will do the same. We are in the past, but we can both get better for our children and look to a better destiny led by the matchless Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ...the Most High God...The Rock!
The love of Christ,
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
married 8 years
When we say, "I do" we all want to believe that it is forever. We all hope and pray that we will not become a statistic. We fall in love. We marry. We have passion. We have commitment. We have courage. And then life happens, and responsibilities grow. We have children. You start a business. You go to bed mad. You start waiting up late nights. You stop believing the stories. He starts cheating, then he says he's sorry but he'll never changes.
Im headed down a road that is filled with lawyers; money; kids; even fighting the thoughts of no happy ending with Chad. But Im not in control of anything am I. Its like this. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the day before. I have a greater God and now I have the chance to be happy. And I look to my God and know Im here and still breathing.
Im headed down a road that is filled with lawyers; money; kids; even fighting the thoughts of no happy ending with Chad. But Im not in control of anything am I. Its like this. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the day before. I have a greater God and now I have the chance to be happy. And I look to my God and know Im here and still breathing.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
the Lords way
I Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
My battlefield
Marriage is made up of many things, including joy, sorrow, successes and failures. But when you think of a marriage the farthest thing from your head is a battlefield. However there are some battles you should be willing to fight and Im fighting the enemey, right now.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The Lords White Horse
Revelation 19:11
Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war
Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war
Saturday, February 28, 2009
My white horse
My life all summed up.
My marriage is over but my life isn't.
~Cheat on me once sham on you.
~Cheat on me twice, three times shame on me.
~Cheat on me once sham on you.
~Cheat on me twice, three times shame on me.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
What do you see?
My reflection in the mirror have always been a silent silhouette. Today is different, I can see the real me. I even have the ability now to face my fears, my hope and my dreams. I can change the contour of everything I thought I was and with no regrets put one foot in front of the other......finally.
Psalm 23
A psalm of David. 1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6 Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
Psalm 23
A psalm of David. 1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6 Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Amazing Friends
I have some amazing friends. One very special friend sent this email to me. With no name this friend is a true angel in my life. Just at the right time the Lord only knows ( and maybe his angels too )
I was reading through your blog and decided I just had to write to you. I know you miss him. I know the kids are dying inside (I've been that little kid). I know. I also know. Our God is so big. He is holding you. He is holding the kids. He is holding Chad. All at the same time. Did you get that? That is a big thing. You ARE together. You ARE incredibly close. It can't get closer than that. Because God can touch all the inner places within you that Chad can't reach while He is also touching all the inner places of Chad that you can't reach. That is HUGE!!!!
Yes, we miss their touch. Yes, we miss hearing them laugh. Yes, we miss the sound of them coming home. Yes, we miss watching them with our children. But this, right here, this moment, is a defining moment. THIS tells you where you are. THIS tells you everything. From your relationship with Chad all the way to your relationship with friends and family. THIS shows your strengths and your weaknesses (which is only God's way of showing you where improvements could be made). THIS will be turning point for your kids. For them to remember and to grow by learning about life's challenges and struggles (which is better for them to learn under your guiding care than out in the world where they might come to much more harm). God has laid this out for us. Who do we think we are to challenge that (and you bet your best hockey stick that I'm preaching to myself here)? Remember what happens to those that rebel against God's plans. THIS will be a time in life that you, Chad and the kids will NEVER forget. This isn't a time to wallow. This isn't a time to waste on our selfish desire to scream at our inner pain. Lord willing, this is a short time for us to take advantage of to better ourselves, better our children, and better our husbands. We are their helpmeet. THIS time is our chance to give them everything they need to take care of US. They are doing this for us. They are alone. They are away from everything dear. They are away from every little thing that means home. Their struggles don't need us sitting here dragging them down. They need us to be strong and supportive. And not the fake kind. The kind that comes from God standing behind us. The kind that says "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." The kind that has our men knowing that they are incredibly missed but that they don't have to worry we are about to fall apart under the pressure. I think that is THE best gift to send to Chad. Support. Not the "go get'em tiger" support that usually comes to mind. The quiet kind. The iron rod in their spine kind. The kind that makes them feel like a superhero. Which they are.
I'm not saying that any of this is easy. Not saying that any of this is something I've come close to doing myself. I struggle EVERY DAY with this. But EVERY DAY God is there. EVERY DAY I can turn to Him to wipe my tears, catch my fainting heart, prop me up while I pull myself together, and hold my kids in the mean time. EVERY DAY I beg for the time to go by faster. But EVERY DAY, I realize is a day I can't waste being sad. Every day while my husband is gone is a day of our life he misses. A day that I would be remiss to let slip by as I have to enjoy it for the both of us. And like you say, every day is one day closer to being together again.
We owe it to God, our husbands, ourselves, and our children to use this defining time well. I know we are up to the challenge. I love you and if there is anything I can do to help....
I was reading through your blog and decided I just had to write to you. I know you miss him. I know the kids are dying inside (I've been that little kid). I know. I also know. Our God is so big. He is holding you. He is holding the kids. He is holding Chad. All at the same time. Did you get that? That is a big thing. You ARE together. You ARE incredibly close. It can't get closer than that. Because God can touch all the inner places within you that Chad can't reach while He is also touching all the inner places of Chad that you can't reach. That is HUGE!!!!
Yes, we miss their touch. Yes, we miss hearing them laugh. Yes, we miss the sound of them coming home. Yes, we miss watching them with our children. But this, right here, this moment, is a defining moment. THIS tells you where you are. THIS tells you everything. From your relationship with Chad all the way to your relationship with friends and family. THIS shows your strengths and your weaknesses (which is only God's way of showing you where improvements could be made). THIS will be turning point for your kids. For them to remember and to grow by learning about life's challenges and struggles (which is better for them to learn under your guiding care than out in the world where they might come to much more harm). God has laid this out for us. Who do we think we are to challenge that (and you bet your best hockey stick that I'm preaching to myself here)? Remember what happens to those that rebel against God's plans. THIS will be a time in life that you, Chad and the kids will NEVER forget. This isn't a time to wallow. This isn't a time to waste on our selfish desire to scream at our inner pain. Lord willing, this is a short time for us to take advantage of to better ourselves, better our children, and better our husbands. We are their helpmeet. THIS time is our chance to give them everything they need to take care of US. They are doing this for us. They are alone. They are away from everything dear. They are away from every little thing that means home. Their struggles don't need us sitting here dragging them down. They need us to be strong and supportive. And not the fake kind. The kind that comes from God standing behind us. The kind that says "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." The kind that has our men knowing that they are incredibly missed but that they don't have to worry we are about to fall apart under the pressure. I think that is THE best gift to send to Chad. Support. Not the "go get'em tiger" support that usually comes to mind. The quiet kind. The iron rod in their spine kind. The kind that makes them feel like a superhero. Which they are.
I'm not saying that any of this is easy. Not saying that any of this is something I've come close to doing myself. I struggle EVERY DAY with this. But EVERY DAY God is there. EVERY DAY I can turn to Him to wipe my tears, catch my fainting heart, prop me up while I pull myself together, and hold my kids in the mean time. EVERY DAY I beg for the time to go by faster. But EVERY DAY, I realize is a day I can't waste being sad. Every day while my husband is gone is a day of our life he misses. A day that I would be remiss to let slip by as I have to enjoy it for the both of us. And like you say, every day is one day closer to being together again.
We owe it to God, our husbands, ourselves, and our children to use this defining time well. I know we are up to the challenge. I love you and if there is anything I can do to help....
Monday, February 23, 2009
Nothing's forsure
I smelled a crayon today. It took me back more than a few years. I thought about when I was a little girl. What was life like then, well I'll tell you what I thought about. I'll tell you what I miss.
My Dad, he screams my name and you can hear it for blocks. It's time for dinner. Dinner at my house was great. When we would sit at the table as a family. Morgan and Patrick made it so hard, all they had to do was eat and swallow. I didn't mind if they left food on there plates because then I was aloud to have it. After dinner there was always desert. Maybe even a soccer game to get to. I miss those soccer games. I loved making my Dad proud.
Did I want to share a room with my sister? No, not at the time. If I could go back maybe I would have never put that line down the middle of the room to keep her off of my side. I miss my little sister being my (little sis). I miss riding our bike to nowhere. I want those days back.
My Mama, why is she MY mom. Well of course the Lord willed it that way. I'm so lucky she's my mom. She never gave up on me. Thanks for keeping me. It seems that love will always prevail, am I right? I had a Mom that made being a kid so much fun. I miss the summers. I remember long days on the beach. I remember some the best drip castle's
My brother always smelled. I mean he smelled bad! I want another game of street hockey on William St. He played his heart out that's why he smelled so bad. But what I wouldn't do to have some Rollerblades and my baby brother.
I miss Molly and Sara. I miss Dad doing my hair every morning. I miss the oyster roast. I miss our weekend cleaning the house listening to The Mama and the Papa's. I miss going to school. I miss Pit St. I miss Krystal Karlish. I miss the marsh. I miss Marty and Boppy. I miss Christmas. I miss the smell of crayons. I miss my life.
Can I really endure this life or was I meant to miss so much. Someone shake me!
My Dad, he screams my name and you can hear it for blocks. It's time for dinner. Dinner at my house was great. When we would sit at the table as a family. Morgan and Patrick made it so hard, all they had to do was eat and swallow. I didn't mind if they left food on there plates because then I was aloud to have it. After dinner there was always desert. Maybe even a soccer game to get to. I miss those soccer games. I loved making my Dad proud.
Did I want to share a room with my sister? No, not at the time. If I could go back maybe I would have never put that line down the middle of the room to keep her off of my side. I miss my little sister being my (little sis). I miss riding our bike to nowhere. I want those days back.
My Mama, why is she MY mom. Well of course the Lord willed it that way. I'm so lucky she's my mom. She never gave up on me. Thanks for keeping me. It seems that love will always prevail, am I right? I had a Mom that made being a kid so much fun. I miss the summers. I remember long days on the beach. I remember some the best drip castle's
My brother always smelled. I mean he smelled bad! I want another game of street hockey on William St. He played his heart out that's why he smelled so bad. But what I wouldn't do to have some Rollerblades and my baby brother.
I miss Molly and Sara. I miss Dad doing my hair every morning. I miss the oyster roast. I miss our weekend cleaning the house listening to The Mama and the Papa's. I miss going to school. I miss Pit St. I miss Krystal Karlish. I miss the marsh. I miss Marty and Boppy. I miss Christmas. I miss the smell of crayons. I miss my life.
Can I really endure this life or was I meant to miss so much. Someone shake me!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Todays verse
Proverbs 8:33 - Listen to my instruction and be wise
Listen to my instruction and be wise;do not ignore it.
Following wisdom is an act of faithful and obedient service. This is reminiscent of Joshua's call to the people of Israel to serve the Lord and forsake other gods (Josh. 24:14, 15). Wisdom offers long-term satisfaction and leads to life, while folly, which brings immediate gratification, ultimately leads to death.
Listen to my instruction and be wise;do not ignore it.
Following wisdom is an act of faithful and obedient service. This is reminiscent of Joshua's call to the people of Israel to serve the Lord and forsake other gods (Josh. 24:14, 15). Wisdom offers long-term satisfaction and leads to life, while folly, which brings immediate gratification, ultimately leads to death.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Be Cool
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I'm on the floor agian
I'm praying agian.......................................
Thanks Lisa your my angel
Thanks Lisa your my angel
Monday, February 16, 2009
Who steals a birthday cake.
Do I have bad luck or am I to emotional. Maybe it is wrong to steal a little girls birthday cake. You tell me.
Kids For Christ is a group at church that consist of 3 to 12 year old's. We do things with the kids like Sunday nights P.J party. The point was letting the kids wear there P.J and watch a movie. My plan was to slip in a birthday cake for Reagan. This was me being cheap really.
I managed to spend $25.21 on everything we needed. All I had to my name was $25.00. I got to church and put everything in the kitchen and I had to leave the kids and run back home. I wasn't going to do all this and not have any pictures. I must have been in a rush because I left home without my camera.
When I got back to the church the cake was GONE. I played it cool for a while. I checked all the refrigerator and asked around. No one had any clue what happened to Reagan's cake. The first person to tell me "just go buy another one" I wanted to choke his neck. I'm mad and on fire at this point. I know that if Chad was here he would have found the cake and beat someone ass for making his wife upset. So it came down to just getting my kids and at this point leaving church and never coming back. The look on Reagan's face when I told her that her cake was gone was pure pitiful. One of my dear friends there at this moment offered to take me and get another cake. Yes, she saved the day. I didn't get any pictures because I got the camera but not the memory stick. Tell me that's not messed up.
The kids had a great time and as for the missing cake. It never showed up.
Do I have bad luck or am I to emotional. Maybe it is wrong to steal a little girls birthday cake. You tell me.
Kids For Christ is a group at church that consist of 3 to 12 year old's. We do things with the kids like Sunday nights P.J party. The point was letting the kids wear there P.J and watch a movie. My plan was to slip in a birthday cake for Reagan. This was me being cheap really.
I managed to spend $25.21 on everything we needed. All I had to my name was $25.00. I got to church and put everything in the kitchen and I had to leave the kids and run back home. I wasn't going to do all this and not have any pictures. I must have been in a rush because I left home without my camera.
When I got back to the church the cake was GONE. I played it cool for a while. I checked all the refrigerator and asked around. No one had any clue what happened to Reagan's cake. The first person to tell me "just go buy another one" I wanted to choke his neck. I'm mad and on fire at this point. I know that if Chad was here he would have found the cake and beat someone ass for making his wife upset. So it came down to just getting my kids and at this point leaving church and never coming back. The look on Reagan's face when I told her that her cake was gone was pure pitiful. One of my dear friends there at this moment offered to take me and get another cake. Yes, she saved the day. I didn't get any pictures because I got the camera but not the memory stick. Tell me that's not messed up.
The kids had a great time and as for the missing cake. It never showed up.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Feb 13th, 2002 my journal reads
We saw Dr. Rhett this morning my blood pressure was high and my cervix is still one centimeter. Dr.Rhett said "well......let's go have us a baby today" Grammie and looked at each other and our mouths dropped.
10:00 am Grammie get's Daddy on the phone.I told him the news. He was jumping off the walls
10:15 They wheel us over to labor and delivery.
10:30 pressure is still high
12:00 called everyone and told them the doctor just want's to watch me.
1:00 Watched Day's of our Lives
2:00 Daddy's here and he's so cute. he has camera's, pillow and even food.
3:00 watched Happy Gilmore
4:45 Reagan has the hiccups
5:00 Pressure is 124 over 64
5:30 SuSu, Pat and MoMo come by
6:10 Dinner came and I didn't eat it ( that's weird )
7:30 Mommy got real sick. I started shaking real bad. The Doctors and nurses came running in. Cervix is 2cm and 80%. Dr. Joseph said were having a baby.
9:30 Felt some PAIN
10:00 Start pitocen
10:05 started Lady and Tramp
10:30 First real contraction
11:30 got epidural. Daddy went into shock and ran to the bathroom. I held my bunny that Susu gave me and did it all alone.
12:00 got some sleep
Feb 14th
2:15 The pain is back
3:00 The doctor is called
3:20 Water broke
4:00 Dr. Joseph said Im 7 cm
4:30 I'm 10 cm and I feel the need to push. Now Morgan and Mom are here.
4:35 Grammie gets the call to hurry up.
4:40 Im pushing none stop. No time to rest. DR. Joseph said it will be awhile
4:50 I can see Reagan's head in the mirror. Then seconds later she's out.
Welcome Reagan Dyer 6lbs 14oz
We saw Dr. Rhett this morning my blood pressure was high and my cervix is still one centimeter. Dr.Rhett said "well......let's go have us a baby today" Grammie and looked at each other and our mouths dropped.
10:00 am Grammie get's Daddy on the phone.I told him the news. He was jumping off the walls
10:15 They wheel us over to labor and delivery.
10:30 pressure is still high
12:00 called everyone and told them the doctor just want's to watch me.
1:00 Watched Day's of our Lives
2:00 Daddy's here and he's so cute. he has camera's, pillow and even food.
3:00 watched Happy Gilmore
4:45 Reagan has the hiccups
5:00 Pressure is 124 over 64
5:30 SuSu, Pat and MoMo come by
6:10 Dinner came and I didn't eat it ( that's weird )
7:30 Mommy got real sick. I started shaking real bad. The Doctors and nurses came running in. Cervix is 2cm and 80%. Dr. Joseph said were having a baby.
9:30 Felt some PAIN
10:00 Start pitocen
10:05 started Lady and Tramp
10:30 First real contraction
11:30 got epidural. Daddy went into shock and ran to the bathroom. I held my bunny that Susu gave me and did it all alone.
12:00 got some sleep
Feb 14th
2:15 The pain is back
3:00 The doctor is called
3:20 Water broke
4:00 Dr. Joseph said Im 7 cm
4:30 I'm 10 cm and I feel the need to push. Now Morgan and Mom are here.
4:35 Grammie gets the call to hurry up.
4:40 Im pushing none stop. No time to rest. DR. Joseph said it will be awhile
4:50 I can see Reagan's head in the mirror. Then seconds later she's out.
Welcome Reagan Dyer 6lbs 14oz
God Is Pointing His Finger at Me
Romans 8:38-39 (New International Version)
38For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
38For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
1st She calls from the ER and ask for a ride back home. She's been there all morning getting stitches in her leg.
2nd She droves on base and breaks down so then has the police bring her to me and the front gate.
3rd She insist on going to the grocery store to get a ham sense their marked down.
Now this is what we consider a feild trip day when you home school.
love loss hope repeat
These are the lyrics to one of my favorite songs. Love Loss Hope Repeat by Carbon Leaf
Take a walk down town And dream with me We'll walk the parks and the empty streets You know the seasons otta Be Love Loss Hope Repeat
We're alone in a crowded room Silhouetted in and ready to bloom You know the seasons otta be Love loss hope repeat And when then high wind blows everything Like the lion attacking spring I love you more than I'll ever let on And that's a fault of mine I'm workin on I'm workin on
Take a walk downtown Remember the days that would never end So much time you couldn't comprehend When the sun so slow to fade And tomorrow was more of the same
And the easiest April Rain Was enough to ignite the flame And you fade out with a grin With the company you were in
And when the high wind blows everything Like a lion attacking the spring I love you more than I'll ever let on And that's a fault of mine I'm workin on I'm workin on
And when the sky's a dusky hue And everything is bottle blue I love you more than I ever let on And that's a fault of mine I m workin on I'm workin on
Take a walk down town And jump the train line down And then turn around at the edge of town Or continue down to the other side And ride and ride till we see our lives And see our lives from outside our city walls And darkened halls And the lonely calls And when we turn aroundAnd head back in Everything will be new again Everything will be new
And when the high wind blows everything Like the lion attacking the spring I love you more than I'll ever let on And that's a fault of mine I'm workin on I'm workin on
And when the sky's a dusky hue And everything is bottle blue I love you more than I ever let on And that's a fault of mine I m workin on I'm workin on Take a walk downtown
Take a walk down town And dream with me We'll walk the parks and the empty streets You know the seasons otta Be Love Loss Hope Repeat
We're alone in a crowded room Silhouetted in and ready to bloom You know the seasons otta be Love loss hope repeat And when then high wind blows everything Like the lion attacking spring I love you more than I'll ever let on And that's a fault of mine I'm workin on I'm workin on
Take a walk downtown Remember the days that would never end So much time you couldn't comprehend When the sun so slow to fade And tomorrow was more of the same
And the easiest April Rain Was enough to ignite the flame And you fade out with a grin With the company you were in
And when the high wind blows everything Like a lion attacking the spring I love you more than I'll ever let on And that's a fault of mine I'm workin on I'm workin on
And when the sky's a dusky hue And everything is bottle blue I love you more than I ever let on And that's a fault of mine I m workin on I'm workin on
Take a walk down town And jump the train line down And then turn around at the edge of town Or continue down to the other side And ride and ride till we see our lives And see our lives from outside our city walls And darkened halls And the lonely calls And when we turn aroundAnd head back in Everything will be new again Everything will be new
And when the high wind blows everything Like the lion attacking the spring I love you more than I'll ever let on And that's a fault of mine I'm workin on I'm workin on
And when the sky's a dusky hue And everything is bottle blue I love you more than I ever let on And that's a fault of mine I m workin on I'm workin on Take a walk downtown
37 weeks
Feb 12, 2002
Today is Grandpa's 79th birthday and our first day of bed rest. I ask Barbie if she would come over and take my blood pressure. It was 140 over 105 so we called Dr. Osborne. He said everything is fine until tomorrow. I did send Daddy out to get some candy. I also took 4 different bath's today. My back was hurting but I don't think it was contractions.
Today is Grandpa's 79th birthday and our first day of bed rest. I ask Barbie if she would come over and take my blood pressure. It was 140 over 105 so we called Dr. Osborne. He said everything is fine until tomorrow. I did send Daddy out to get some candy. I also took 4 different bath's today. My back was hurting but I don't think it was contractions.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
It is such a paradox that the most intangible part of me is the most tangible. Your thoughts are so real they are surreal. Its a strange thing to wrap your mind around, your thoughts aren't real. Your emotions aren't real. Its a bunch of chemicals your brain is spewing out in hopes to keep you thinking thinking thinking. The same thing trying to keep you alive is driving you crazy.
My Lord has told me I will never give you more than you can handle. Can I really handle Chad being gone four months.
My Lord has told me I will never give you more than you can handle. Can I really handle Chad being gone four months.
When the days get hard

I had an amazing moment with my beautiful son this morning and Reagan captured it in this picture. We had the radio on and I was lost in the words. The song that plays now, I'm not alright by Sanctus Real was playing. While in my thoughts Bodhi walked straight to me and asked me to hold him just as you see in the picture. My heart is so broken and I'm not alright. But it's moments like this that make it so much better. My kids are my mended heart.
Hang in there Chad
February 11, 2002
My journal for Feb 11, 2002 began like this.
There's a lot to tell you about today. My doctor's appointment was at 3pm. I sat in the waiting room with Daddy. He finally got to feel you have the hiccups. Dr. Rhett's nurse took my blood pressure. It was really high 145 over 100. Dr . Rhett said I was 50% and 1 centimeter. He said my blood pressure was to high and I needed to be on bed rest. They put us on fetal heart monitor and said you sound great in there. Then we had an ultrasound. You are now 5 pounds on the dot. The bad part is I weigh ---(sorry had to leave that part out). I keep telling myself it's all water weight. Now, we rest and come back tomorrow. Then I tried to draw a little picture of how you were laying in my tummy. It kind of looked like this.

There's a lot to tell you about today. My doctor's appointment was at 3pm. I sat in the waiting room with Daddy. He finally got to feel you have the hiccups. Dr. Rhett's nurse took my blood pressure. It was really high 145 over 100. Dr . Rhett said I was 50% and 1 centimeter. He said my blood pressure was to high and I needed to be on bed rest. They put us on fetal heart monitor and said you sound great in there. Then we had an ultrasound. You are now 5 pounds on the dot. The bad part is I weigh ---(sorry had to leave that part out). I keep telling myself it's all water weight. Now, we rest and come back tomorrow. Then I tried to draw a little picture of how you were laying in my tummy. It kind of looked like this.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
God is good
Ecclesiastes 7:14 - When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this.
When times are good, be happy;but when times are bad, consider:God has made the one as well as the other.Therefore, a man cannot discover anything about his future.
I read this today. After the chicken with his head cut off story. God is good
When times are good, be happy;but when times are bad, consider:God has made the one as well as the other.Therefore, a man cannot discover anything about his future.
I read this today. After the chicken with his head cut off story. God is good

My kids know were chicken nuggets come from because we have a picture of a dead chicken on the frig. Kind of morbid, I know. I got this pic out of a magazine and put it there after learning that our kids are growing up stupid.
High school kids can't tell you what body of ocean we live next to. Some kids think fruits and veggies come form the supermarket. So know my kids know that chicken nuggets come from chicken. It's as simple as that. I'm keeping my kids best interest at heart.
Well the point is. I looked and this chicken hanging on the frig and then decided I feel like chicken with my head cut off.
Woe is me.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
When we open our eyes
We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.
1 John 4:13
1 John 4:13
Thursday, February 5, 2009
My heart broke today
My heart broke today when it fell off the shelf in Bodhi's room. I'm so sad. I have had it since I was a little girl. I'm holding on to the fact that you can't take it with you when you go. The Lord may meet me at the gates in heaven with a new heart that has never been broken. The truth is my heart is aching. I miss you, Chad.

Tell Me Vision
Daddy, we have removed the tell me lies to my vision(aka the TV) from Reagan's room. I'm proud of the kids for letting it go. I think they always knew it wasn't going to last. I don't think you should have a TV in the bedroom. Do you follow me? Probably not, you put the thing in their.
I'm finding myself trying to make life simple. I think that's why I took over your side of the closet already. Reagan is getting her room clean and Bodhi is trying to do the same. I am even considering putting all the socks in the trash, so I don't ever have to match sock again. Do they have sock ladies that will come to your house and do this for you? I'll check it out. Then maybe, we will keep the socks.
To many socks! That's a rich man's problem.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Just Say No To Drugs

An average of 13,000 reports of neurological and autoimmune trauma following on the heels of vaccination. Since the 1930s, when children often received just one vaccination, many immunizations have contained a 49.6 percent mercury preservative called thimerosal. Most children today receive 33 doses of 10 vaccines by age 5, generally receiving several vaccines per visit on their immunization schedules. Reports surfaced in 1999 that infants being vaccinated using multi-dose vials, such as hepatitis B and MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), with thimerosal can receive 62.5 micrograms of mercury per visit. This is 100 times the exposure federal Environmental Protection Guidelines consider safe for the average-sized infant, as mercury is known to cause neurotoxicity and brain damage that mirrors the symptoms of autism.
He gave us a good thing
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Timing is everthing
Galatians 6:9
So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.
So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.
My Eco Friendly Kids

The key to saving our Planet Earth. It's a 4 year old future Fish and Wildlife advocate . The key to saving our clean water supply is Reagan Clifton. A future Green Peace advocate.
In the core of me I truly hate balloons. Why is this you ask. I think it is a waste of rubber latex. Rubber Latex pollutes our Earth and fills the landfills faster than you can say "neeeecomepoop". I put that part in for the kids.
Now, to the funny part. Bodhi ended up bring home a balloon that Papa gave him. He walked outside with it and it flew away. Next came the tears. It was flying away and all he could say to his mother was " oh man...... I want my balloon back"! "It might kill a dolphin". I want to console him but I can't I'm laughing to hard. Oh and I'm pissed now that there might be a small chance this balloon will make it to the ocean and kill a dolphin.
Now, I have some how instilled in my kids not to let the water run when you brush your teeth. In all if you collected all that water you could provide fresh water to any third world country where people die from tainted water. I'm not perfect but I never leave the water running.
Well, last night I was pulling my hair back and brushing my teeth at the same time. I had no free hand to turn the water off. It was killing me inside but I continued brushing. Reagan tells me " Mama your wasting clean water". Again, I'm laughing so hard I almost wet myself.
What will it be next?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
8 Seconds
You know how when you ride a bull you have 8 seconds. That's what William has in him if you put him in our bed.
If he even gives you 7.2 seconds he's showing you he loves you. On a good day he's like a cat in water. You drop him in and he jumps right out. Now William just wants his own space, I think. I gave it one more try tonight. I picked him up and put him in the bed. I was waiting for that 8 seconds buzzer. I timed it Daddy. He stayed in the bed next to me for 20 minutes. He even put his head on my leg. (William, my little Benji )
God Speed
Homeschool Exclaimer

I need pictures like I NEED a hole in the head. So when it's time for school picture's brake out the big buck's. I NEED those pictures. Call me crazy but how in the hell do you get school picture's when you homeschool. OK so think...... think....... think......think some more. Oh take them yourself, if you dare.
It was so painful for Bodhi to do this. I did resort to talking about alligators in a baby voice. I managed to make him cry and turn red. Perfect for pictures.
Reagan is........................perfect. She wouldn't stop. Hints the class picture of Kit the amazing American Girl.
Package A: 8x10-5x7-wallet-----$45.00
Package B: 4x5-wallet-----------$35.00
Taking the picture's yourself------priceless
Both funny and sad.
Well, what's sad is your not sleeping next to me at night. What's funny is I now get to hear Reagan farting in the morning.
What's sad is you had to get on that plain. What's funny is you could make your Dad poop his pants at the airport.
What's sad is I miss you coming home at night. What's funny is when Carlos comes home. I can jump out of the closet and scare the crap out of him. He never saw it coming. heeheehee
What's sad is how much the kids and I miss you. What's funny (we actually miss you).
What's sad is I think I like driving your old truck. What's funny about that?
What's sad is your missing all my home cooked meals. What funny is watching Carlos eat my organic content in his dinner.
One day closer to Daddy coming home.
What's sad is you had to get on that plain. What's funny is you could make your Dad poop his pants at the airport.
What's sad is I miss you coming home at night. What's funny is when Carlos comes home. I can jump out of the closet and scare the crap out of him. He never saw it coming. heeheehee
What's sad is how much the kids and I miss you. What's funny (we actually miss you).
What's sad is I think I like driving your old truck. What's funny about that?
What's sad is your missing all my home cooked meals. What funny is watching Carlos eat my organic content in his dinner.
One day closer to Daddy coming home.
Monday, February 2, 2009
I bet that's my Daddy

Bodhi is an amazing kid. He has kept a smile on my face all day. Bodhi spotted a plane from the car. He pointed and said " I bet that's my Daddy".
Bodhi still thinks your coming home. He asked me last night, "When is Daddy coming home"?
" It's getting dark".
The kids have played outside today. All Bodhi wants to do is go in Carlos' room. He wants more toys.
Reagan is counting down the days until her birthday. All she wants is an American Girl book.
OH and to keep her nite nite forever.
Carlos had some very nice guys over here today. They where here to wire up the bathroom. And after that old man was so rude to me today, it made my day.
One more day closer to Daddy coming home.
It's dark is Daddy home, yet?
We get to talk one last time before his plane leaves. He's tring to cover the same tears we cry. Reagan understands what has happened to us. She has no control over her tears. She saw a single plane take off and began clawing at the sky. My heart is breaking for her and I can't do anything to fix it.
Then, there was a cute race to the truck. Bodhi beats Carlos by a long shot. GO BODHI! We load up in the truck and Bodhi then realises Dad is gone. He turns to the window sucking his thumb. I asked him if he was ok. All he mumbled was "this is stupid". We took the kids to Barbie and she knew exactly what to do.
1. Give them baby talk
2. Lots of hugs
3. She says the word LOVE after everything
4. Ask them "what can I do my love" a million times
5. Gives Reagan her spear nite nite
6. Candy before their meal.
7. Cartoons
8. Ask them what they want for x-mas next year
9. Chicken nuggets meals
10. Candy after the meal.
Barbie saved the day, Daddy.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The man of my dreams
My husband is one amazing man. I want him to know how much he means to me.
You have takin a huge sacrifice leaving us to go to Iraq. I want to give you this a gift. I know it will be hard being away from us. I will write to you everyday and fill you in on what's happening back at home. Or better known as the house under constrution. Maybe the kids will even write a word or two.
Just remember you have our support. We are nothing but a phone call away.
LaLa Daddy
You have takin a huge sacrifice leaving us to go to Iraq. I want to give you this a gift. I know it will be hard being away from us. I will write to you everyday and fill you in on what's happening back at home. Or better known as the house under constrution. Maybe the kids will even write a word or two.
Just remember you have our support. We are nothing but a phone call away.
LaLa Daddy
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