Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Amazing Friends

I have some amazing friends. One very special friend sent this email to me. With no name this friend is a true angel in my life. Just at the right time the Lord only knows ( and maybe his angels too )

I was reading through your blog and decided I just had to write to you. I know you miss him. I know the kids are dying inside (I've been that little kid). I know. I also know. Our God is so big. He is holding you. He is holding the kids. He is holding Chad. All at the same time. Did you get that? That is a big thing. You ARE together. You ARE incredibly close. It can't get closer than that. Because God can touch all the inner places within you that Chad can't reach while He is also touching all the inner places of Chad that you can't reach. That is HUGE!!!!
Yes, we miss their touch. Yes, we miss hearing them laugh. Yes, we miss the sound of them coming home. Yes, we miss watching them with our children. But this, right here, this moment, is a defining moment. THIS tells you where you are. THIS tells you everything. From your relationship with Chad all the way to your relationship with friends and family. THIS shows your strengths and your weaknesses (which is only God's way of showing you where improvements could be made). THIS will be turning point for your kids. For them to remember and to grow by learning about life's challenges and struggles (which is better for them to learn under your guiding care than out in the world where they might come to much more harm). God has laid this out for us. Who do we think we are to challenge that (and you bet your best hockey stick that I'm preaching to myself here)? Remember what happens to those that rebel against God's plans. THIS will be a time in life that you, Chad and the kids will NEVER forget. This isn't a time to wallow. This isn't a time to waste on our selfish desire to scream at our inner pain. Lord willing, this is a short time for us to take advantage of to better ourselves, better our children, and better our husbands. We are their helpmeet. THIS time is our chance to give them everything they need to take care of US. They are doing this for us. They are alone. They are away from everything dear. They are away from every little thing that means home. Their struggles don't need us sitting here dragging them down. They need us to be strong and supportive. And not the fake kind. The kind that comes from God standing behind us. The kind that says "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." The kind that has our men knowing that they are incredibly missed but that they don't have to worry we are about to fall apart under the pressure. I think that is THE best gift to send to Chad. Support. Not the "go get'em tiger" support that usually comes to mind. The quiet kind. The iron rod in their spine kind. The kind that makes them feel like a superhero. Which they are.
I'm not saying that any of this is easy. Not saying that any of this is something I've come close to doing myself. I struggle EVERY DAY with this. But EVERY DAY God is there. EVERY DAY I can turn to Him to wipe my tears, catch my fainting heart, prop me up while I pull myself together, and hold my kids in the mean time. EVERY DAY I beg for the time to go by faster. But EVERY DAY, I realize is a day I can't waste being sad. Every day while my husband is gone is a day of our life he misses. A day that I would be remiss to let slip by as I have to enjoy it for the both of us. And like you say, every day is one day closer to being together again.
We owe it to God, our husbands, ourselves, and our children to use this defining time well. I know we are up to the challenge. I love you and if there is anything I can do to help....

1 comment:

  1. I stand by everything I said even now! My meanings may be slightly different but you would know what I mean by that. I love you. I'm here...always.
