Feb 13
th, 2002 my journal reads
We saw Dr. Rhett this morning my blood pressure was high and my
cervix is still one
centimeter. Dr.Rhett said "well......let's go have us a baby today"
Grammie and looked at each
other and our mouths dropped.
10:00 am
Grammie get's Daddy on the phone.I told him the news. He was jumping off the walls
10:15 They wheel us over to labor and delivery.
10:30 pressure is still high
12:00 called everyone and told them the doctor just
want's to watch me.
1:00 Watched Day's of our Lives
2:00 Daddy's here and he's so cute. he has camera's, pillow and even food.
3:00 watched Happy Gilmore
4:45 Reagan has the hiccups
5:00 Pressure is 124 over 64
SuSu, Pat and
MoMo come by
6:10 Dinner came and I didn't eat it ( that's weird )
7:30 Mommy got real sick. I started shaking real bad. The Doctors and nurses came running in. Cervix is 2cm and 80%. Dr. Joseph said were having a baby.
9:30 Felt some PAIN
10:00 Start
pitocen10:05 started Lady and Tramp
10:30 First real contraction
11:30 got epidural. Daddy went into shock and ran to the bathroom. I held my bunny that
Susu gave me and did it all alone.
12:00 got some sleep
Feb 14
th2:15 The pain is back
3:00 The doctor is called
3:20 Water broke
4:00 Dr. Joseph said
Im 7 cm
4:30 I'm 10 cm and I feel the need to push. Now Morgan and Mom are here.
Grammie gets the call to hurry up.
Im pushing none stop. No time to rest. DR. Joseph said it will be awhile
4:50 I can see Reagan's head in the mirror. Then seconds later she's out.
Welcome Reagan Dyer 6lbs 14oz